The Distance Between Me and the Cherry Tree
Perfectly Preventable Deaths
All the Things We Never Said
Robin Hood: Hacking, Heists & Flaming Arrows (Robert Muchamore's Robin Hood)
The Crooked Mask (sequel to The Twisted Tree)
Robin Hood 2: Piracy, Paintballs & Zebras (Robert Muchamore's Robin Hood)
Robin Hood 3: Jet Skis, Swamps & Smugglers (Robert Muchamore's Robin Hood)
Robin Hood 4: Drones, Dams & Destruction (Robert Muchamore's Robin Hood)
Precious Catastrophe (Perfectly Preventable Deaths 2)
Daughter of Darkness (House of Shadows 1)
Filippo, Me and the Cherry Tree
HONEST: Everything They Don't Tell You About Sex, Relationships and Bodies
Queen of Gods (House of Shadows 2)
The Reluctant Vampire Queen
The Reluctant Vampire Queen Bites Back (The Reluctant Vampire Queen 2)
The Reluctant Vampire Queen Finds Her Fangs (The Reluctant Vampire Queen 3)
Robin Hood 5: Ransoms, Raids and Revenge (Robert Muchamore's Robin Hood)
This Is How You Fall In Love
Robin Hood 6: Bandits, Dirt Bikes & Trash
Prey Zone: The Serpent's Lair
Prey Zone: The Scorpion's Sting
We Have Everything We Need To Start Again
Robin Hood 7: Prisons, Parties & Powerboats (Robert Muchamore's Robin Hood)
Damien Ike and the Fallen House of Draven
The Maid and the Crocodile
I Am The Dark That Answers When You Call
The Funny Thing About Love
Robin Hood 9: Fury, Fire & Frost (Robert Muchamore's Robin Hood)
We Do Not Welcome Our Ten-Year-Old Overlord
A Field Guide to Leaflings
The World's Last Mammoth and Other Missing Marvels
Little Explorers: My Amazing Body
Little Explorers: On the Move
Little Explorers: Outer Space
Little Explorers: The Animal World
The Colour Monster Pop-Up
Jane Foster's Brown Bear Colour Book
Jane Foster's Black and White