Solvieg lives in a land of glaciers and frozen waterfalls, the home of frost giants and trolls. Yet it is a world with a fiery heart, created from the ashes of dead stars, heat buried deep within...
The Flickering Fires takes us on a journey from the first sparks of creation to the harnessing of fire for cooking, protection and warmth. As we journey through millennia, we see its powerful force through the Copper Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age through to the present day. From tools to tablets, the steam engine to rockets - fire at the heart of it all.
Narrative non-fiction that explores the extraordinary impact of fire in our world.The final book in The Elements series, which has sold over 180,000 copies worldwide (as of November 2023).Award-winning books include the Greenaway shortlisted Leon and the Place Between, FArTHER which won the Kate Greenaway medal in 2011, and the first title in this series; The Rhythm of the Rain which won the English 4-11 Picture Book Award.